Meet the Governors
This has always been a happy, creative, high-achieving school, and especially so at present. We are fortunate in having an excellent staff and headteacher who all work hard in their various roles, each contributing towards the education of every child.
The job of the Chair is to lead the governing body and co-ordinate their work, as well as chairing meetings and liaising closely with the Headteacher. The governing body meets once per half term, and there are governor committees which meet for specific purposes, eg. finance. The agenda and minutes of the full governing body meetings are public documents, available by request from school. Governors frequently attend training courses and network meetings with the Local Authority and governors from other schools. How they do their job affects the interests of our children, staff morale and how the school is seen by parents and others.
The Role of the Governors
The governors’ main role is to help raise standards of achievement, working with the headteacher to promote effective ways of teaching and learning while setting the school aims and policies. They are all unpaid volunteers.
- are accountable for the performance of the school to parents, Ofsted and the wider community
- plan the school's future direction
- provide challenge and support to the headteacher and staff
- monitor the impact of policies and oversee school budgets and staffing
- make sure the national curriculum is taught
- help to decide how the school can encourage children's spiritual, moral and social development
- make sure the school provides for all its children, including those with special needs
Most governors serve for 4 years. Battyeford Primary has 15 governors including the headteacher. Governors represent different groups. At present we have:-
- 5 parents, elected by all the parents of children currently in school
- 1 staff governor, elected by the staff
- The headteacher, unelected
- 2 foundation governors, appointed by Christ the King church
- Rev. Erik Peters, vicar of Christ the King church, unelected
- 1 Local Authority governor appointed by Kirklees
- 4 co-opted governor roles which allow the governing body to recruit for specific skills
The Chair can be contacted via the school.
Roles, Responsibilities and our Committee Structure
Finance and Staffing Committee
Rachel Batty (HT)
Phil Bland (Chair)
Janine Firmin (Vice Chair)
David Sheard
James Longridge
School Business Manager (Guest)
Curriculum and Standards Committee
Rachel Batty (HT)
Jane Armitage (Chair)
Helen Welburn (Vice Chair)
Meriel Pearmain
Polly Snee
Alison Walker
Vicky Jagger-Strangeway