Equality and Eliminating Discrimination
Battyeford CE (VC) Primary School welcomes its duties under the Equality Act (2010).
The Equality Act establishes 9 protected characteristics which apply to schools. Only the first 7 characteristics apply to pupils:
Gender reassignment Pregnancy and maternity Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
Marriage and civil partnership Age
Public Sector Equality Duty (2011)
This policy sets out how Battyeford CE (VC) Primary School has paid due regard to the need:
- to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act
- to advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
- to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
Specific Duties under the Public Sector Equality Duty
- To publish information which demonstrates our compliance with the need to have due regard for the three aims of the General Duty
- To prepare and publish specific and measurable objectives which we will pursue over the coming years to achieve the three aims
- This scheme sets out the steps the Governing Body will take that will result in improved outcomes for all members of the school community in all aspects of school life, taking positive action to promote equality.
Definition of ‘due regard’ and how we aim to comply with the principles of the general duty
1: While making a decision that might affect an equality group, the decision-maker must have regard to the three aims of the Act at the time. This cannot be done in retrospect, nor can it be delegated
2: The duty will be exercised with rigour and with attention to relevant evidence, including that derived from consultation with staff and the wider community
3: The duty is continuing, so we will revisit it and bear it in mind constantly
We will keep records to show that the equality duties have been considered on each occasion
School Ethos, Vision and Values
REACH for the stars and beyond. Together, with God's love, we can dream, believe and achieve.
This policy should be read in conjunction with all our policies, each of which is reviewed with this policy in mind, but in particular with the anti bullying policy, behaviour policy, Inclusion and SEN policies.
What we already do
In order to comply with the public duty we have the following procedures in place to ensure that we consider the needs of all of our pupils in everything we do and comply with the three aims below.
1: Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act
2: Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
3; Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
We gather information from a range of sources when a pupil enters the school, e.g. family, child, previous school, we visit the nurseries of all Reception children to ensure we have a thorough understanding of their needs and circumstances.
We track all aspects of a child’s provision and progress by tracking attainment and progress for all key groups across the school, and by frequently asking the children about their experiences in school. The results of these surveys and any associated actions are recorded on the ‘evidence’ section of the governors secure website.
We review and evaluate the effectiveness of our school provision by analysing data, surveys and scrutinising the breadth and quality of children’s work. We carefully monitor attendance of all key groups and survey children and parents to ensure our provision is meeting their needs and expectations.
Our Equality and Diversity Policy can be found at https://www.battyefordprimary.com/kirklees/primary/battyeford/site/pages/aboutus/ourpolicies