Medicines in School
Some children require medicine on a regular basis for complaints such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylaxis, ADHD etc. These children will have a health care plan to meet their specific needs in school. Please tell us if this applies to your child.
If your child has prescribed antibiotics you can request three dose antibiotics from the doctor so that the doses can be managed at home. In exceptional circumstances or where more than three doses per day are required, a named member of staff may volunteer to administer prescription medication. A consent form must be completed at reception. Medicines should be left with the reception staff in their original container as dispensed by the pharmacist and include the prescriber’s instructions.​ Please note, we are not able to administer non prescribed medicines such as Calpol.
Head lice is a common problem amongst young children, hair inspections in school are not routinely carried out; parents should inspect their own children each week and inform the school of any problems. Treatment for head lice is available through chemists.