Our Curriculum
Our School vision is the basis for our curriculum intent. Our School is the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots, flourish and reach for the stars.” Our curriculum is a fundamental part of this.
In 2019 we worked with staff, pupils, Governors, parents and the community in order to identify the key values and qualities we promote and develop with our children throughout their time at Battyeford. From this we have developed our vision statement, our key intent statements and have used these to redesign and develop a bespoke curriculum for our pupils taking into account their interests, community, strengths and areas to develop. The curriculum is a working document constantly being reflected upon, reviewed and revisited to ensure it provides both pupils and staff with a frame work that no only fully covers the content of the National Curriculum but also inspires everyone to love learning.
Vision statement:
"REACH for the stars and beyond. Together, with God's love, we can dream, believe and achieve!"
Battyeford is a happy, safe and creative school that develops responsible, confident children. We laugh, learn and grow together. We are determined to be aspirational, follow our dreams and be the best we can.
Our Vision:
All children at Battyeford Primary School are responsible, confident and enjoy school. They have a love for learning; progressing and achieving well both in and out of the classroom. We have a culture that celebrates achievement in all areas and encourages children to aspirational and show an awareness and understanding for each other.
The leadership of the school values and supports staff through high expectations, professional development and good communication while sustaining financial stability for the future through innovative solutions. This provides outstanding teaching and learning across the school, improving outcomes for all pupils.
We have an inspiring curriculum taught by enthusiastic, knowledgeable teachers and support staff who have high expectations and use assessment effectively to plan for all pupils to confidently achieve their best. This takes place in a stimulating, fun and purposeful environment allowing pupils to develop independence.
Children are happy, well behaved and motivated to be the best they can be. They feel safe and develop resilience so they are confident to face challenges and take appropriate risks in their learning. They benefit from a broad range of opportunities for personal development and growth, empowering them to become active, respectful citizens of the future.
Key Intent Statements:
- To deepen staff and children’s knowledge in all subjects and make sure that it sticks
- To inspire creativity in both pupils and staff
- To live our school values
- To give rich experiences
- To get children reading
- To aim high
- To nurture talent, celebrate individuality and be fully inclusive
- To support emotional and physical health, alongside spirituality and well-being To build the confidence to communicate
Curriculum Implementation:
- To deepen children’s knowledge in all subjects and make sure that it sticks
We are driven to make sure our wider curriculum attainment continues to rise in all subjects and that staffs’ subject knowledge is developed through high quality CPD at all levels so we can achieve this. Contact with local primary and secondary schools has enabled us to provide CPD. Specialist teaching for MFL has been implemented for children within KS2. Our curriculum covers all key knowledge set out in the National Curriculum and is taught over time and revisited to ensure knowledge sticks. An understanding of Metacognition and sharing the latest educational research enables teachers to access prior knowledge, teach knowledge and allow children apply it. Low stakes quizzing and assessment tasks enable children to actively recall knowledge and interleaving ensures knowledge is retained over time. Knowledge is clearly mapped out across school and underlying themes such as significant people, exploration and changes run vertically and horizontally through topics building understanding over time and allowing children to make links between what they are learning. Visual Learning journeys shared with the children allow them to see where the learning is going and understand better how it fits into their school journey as a whole. Skills are not forgotten in the foundation curriculum and where appropriate such as Geography fieldwork, historical enquiry, scientific enquiry, drawing and painting skills, they are carefully mapped out to ensure skills build progressively.
- To inspire creativity in both pupils and staff
Creativity is deeply embedded in our programme of study from the ways teachers capture children’s imaginations and deliver lessons to the creative outcomes that the children produce. Whole school hooks like alien parcels, fairy doors, a space ship in EYFS engages children in learning and creates lasting shared experiences. Homework challenges and menus provide a creative way to deepen their understanding of topics and encourage collaboration with parents at home. Use of ICT helps to develop creativity through use of animation allowing children to bring their own learning to life and lessons to come alive.
- To live our School values
Developing the whole person is a vital part of our teaching. Open mindedness comes from their understanding of others and their development of relationships. Our REACH Ambassadors and PHSCE curriculum develops leadership skills in both Key stages while topics purposefully provide opportunities for children to discuss peoples differences, values, beliefs and preferences meaningfully. Work within our local community ensures children have a sense of humility and supporting others. Often raising funds for charities pupils and staff are directly involved with, whether it’s dressing up as an elf or spray painting their hair. Equality, human rights and democracy are key themes running through the curriculum topics and enhanced by our school REACH Ambassadors and regular viewing/reading of the news articles inspired by Picture This and our school voting system. Our Christian Values underpin our teaching in all subjects.
Behaviour is good and the children make responsible choices knowing the clear expectations set and exemplified around school. It is common to receive letter and feedback from the public about the amazing way our children present themselves on trips and visits. It is also common place to hear visitors comment on the warm and inviting atmosphere in the corridors and between staff.Our School Growth Mindset Learning behaviours taught and encouraged ensure children are resilient, take pride in their work and are curious.
- To give rich experiences
Topics are built around using these features to enhance learning and provide rich experiences for all children. We want our children to have the best life chances and access to experiences that will open up their minds to the wider world while developing their love of the arts. From carefully planned exposure to, museum visits, art galleries, places of worship, seaside trips and theatre experiences; to zip wiring, rock climbing, canoeing and caving at Robin Wood residential. Something to spark a passion in everybody.
- To get children reading and develop a love of literature
Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and we ensure our English curriculum gets children into books. From the important foundations in our systematic and structured Phonics program to our Library, Giant reading snug, mystery book competitions and stunning class reading corners-we make sure our school oozes books at every turn. Reading whole class quality texts as a basis for literacy and many other subjects makes sure that children are exposed to the best in children’s literature and a full range of genres. Many books studied are the first in a series in order to encourage children to develop reading on for pleasure. Poetry, non-fiction, digital texts and picture books feature through the English syllabus from EYFS to Year 6.
- To aim high
We aim high and year on year our curriculum ensures we achieve it. High expectations throughout school and high levels of presentation are encouraged in all subjects. All groups of children such as pupils premium, SEND, gender groups have equally high expectations to achieve the targets set for them. Looking to the further ahead we want children to aspire to high achievement in later life. We run enterprise days for the Year 6 pupils and our children go on to be successful in our local secondary schools which is a great advert for the foundations that we lay.
- To nurture talent, celebrate individuality and be fully inclusive
Nurturing talents ensures we support the child outside of school too with musical lessons, sporting teams and individuals in football signings and Royal Ballet membership. We make sure we celebrate all successes in and out of school whatever the interests of our children. Sporting fixtures enable pupils to compete against other schools. Our Nurture provision helps us to teach our pupils about acceptance of peoples differences allowing pupils to be themselves no matter their beliefs or preferences. Whatever the stage of the child’s development or their specific needs we can evidence excellent progress and outcomes for all children. If needed children have personalised education plans to support their learning but as an inclusive school in the same topics, event and activities. We work closely with a range of health professionals and outside agencies to ensure that support given to children enables them to access and take part in a full school life. Session such as lego therapy, time to talk and speech and language programmes enable children to develop social and communication skills.
- To support emotional and physical health, alongside spirituality and wellbeing
Wellbeing is key for our staff and pupils. Opportunities to reflect on themselves, learning and practises such as mindfulness, emotional support program and reflection spaces mean that children gain a deeper understanding of themselves their emotions and how the human mind works. A supportive environment for staff and pupils means that happiness, laughter and friendship is made a priority for all. Workload reduction in the form of marking and feedback policy helps to ensure happy teachers which in turn makes for happy pupils. Built into our curriculum is the teaching of e safety, first aid and risk assessing to enable our children to stay safe in school and at home. We want to offer children the ability to take risks in a secure environment. Our outdoor play areas enables children to do this while developing team work, confidence and time playing outside and exploring nature. Time spent in the outdoor environment has been proven to support many of our children with social and emotional needs. Over time our aim is to develop more opportunities for children in different year groups to experience more learning opportunities using the outdoor environment.
- To build the confidence to communicate
The children’s confidence and ability to present and communicate their ideas is vital. Giving children wide range of opportunities to experience presenting to audiences helps to develop their skills and prepares them for later life. Whether in English or topic children need the words to be able to express themselves clearly so the teaching of vocabulary across all subjects is a big focus. Goldilocks vocabulary ‘just the right level to extend the children's’ repertoire’ is identified and systematically taught and used across school. Whether in sharing assemblies, church services, leading worship, acting in plays or showing around visitors the children are encouraged to represent the school and do themselves proud. As a school we are building our confidence to communicate our successes and news via social media.
Curriculum Impact:
As our curriculum develops and becomes increasingly embedded we have identified the ways in which we can measure, observe and identify the impact of what we are doing.
- To deepen staff and children’s knowledge in all subjects and make sure that it sticks
Staff have high levels of subject knowledge and feel supported in their CPD needs. They can assess foundation subjects with increasing confidence. Children retain knowledge and vocabulary whilst using it their work and discussions based around the topics taught. Children understand what we are teaching them and why. Children go on to choose a range of foundation subjects in KS3, applying the knowledge they have retained from our school.
- To inspire creativity in both pupils and staff
Children are engaged in lessons and show enthusiasm in what thyey are taught. Children can communicate their learning in creative ways. Staff have a key role in the curriculum development, working together to create a love of learning through creative techniques.
- To live our school values
High levels of positive behaviour are displayed around school and in the community. Excellent attitudes towards learning are evident within lessons, allowing all pupils to have a non-disruptive learning environment. Children are confident in articulating the schools vision and values, and uphold these. Pupils are responsible, empathetic, aspirational, confidend and happy. Pupils have a positive growth mindset and use these values to help them overcome challenging situations. The core christian values flourish throughout school and community.
- To give rich experiences
Children have an appreciation for the arts and understanding of other religions through rich experiences. Children have a good knowledge of our local area and how this fits into the wider world. Children have a vast range of experiences which equips them well for later life.
- To get children reading
Children have positive attitudes towards reading and articulate their pleasure towards the subject. Children are exposed to a wide range of books and enjoy reflecting on what they have read before discussing with peers and mmebers of staff. Pupils retain knowledge gained from reading to use and apply in other areas of their work. Pupils develop a wide range of specific reading skills including vocabulary, inference, prediction, explaination, retrieval, summarising and sequencing. Pupils use the skills they have learnt to use outside of school.
- To aim high
Children take pride in their learning and make excellent progress. Levels of attainment continue to be high in all subject areas. Children are confident and have high aspirations as they move on into secondry school. Pupils 'REACH for the stars and beyond as they dream, believe and achieve!'
- To nurture talent, celebrate individuality and be fully inclusive
Children's achievements are regularly noticed and celebrated throughout school with a variety of different awards and certificates. Children feel comfortable being themselves and are wholy accepting of others. Children with additional needs feel valued- they are happy in school and make good progress.
- To support emotional and physical health, alongside spirituality and well-being
Children feel safe around school and know who they need to speak to if then need help or advice. Pupils have a wide range of activities to keep them healthy and ensure they a kept physically active, meaning that they have high levels of self esteem, positive mindsets and healthy bodies. Pupils are able to speak confidently about their beliefs and respect those of others. They have a knowldge and understanding of cultural diversity. They are respectful and reflective.
- To build the confidence to communicate
Children can confidently present their ideas in a variety of different ways. Children develop a wide range of vocabulary, allowing them to express themselves effectively. The school and parents have a positive relationship through the communicaton methods used e.g social media, Headteacher updates. Pupils get the opportunity to express themselves in a number of different ways e.g. digitally, written communication, talk and the performing arts.
Skills Progression Grids:
Our Curriculum Skills Progression Grids have been designed by all the teachers and staff at Battyeford. They enable us to ensure we are both covering, and often teaching beyond the expectations of the National Curriculum. The also ensure they include opportunities for our pupils to be Responsible, Empathetical, Aspirational, Confident and Happy. The Skills Progression Grids act as a foundation for our Curriculum Road Maps and are developed through our Medium-Term Planning. Each subject has its own Progression of Skills Grid, which details the yearly skills from EYFS through to Year 6.
Curriculum Road Maps:
Battyeford’s Curriculum Road Maps have been designed by staff and SLT during a number of staff meetings and are a visual guide to our curriculum (including every subject area) as a child moves through from EYFS to Year 6. It is a way of representing what students will learn and the sequence. Creating a Road Map was a chance for us to think about our curriculum and, more importantly, the sequence of topics. For us to fully consider our Intent, we needed to think about how topics link throughout a term(s). Going through them like a journey was therefore really helpful and a chance for us to adapts things should we felt necessary. As a team, we discussed the breadth that each topic would supply us with before coming to a conclusive agreement. Some subjects don't have a topic road map as the topics can be seen in the Skills Progression Grids. However, a whole school topic map can be found below, along with specific subject Topic Road Maps.
Knowledge Organisers
Our knowledge organisers are documents that contains key facts and information that children need to have a basic knowledge and understanding of a particular topic form a subject. Most knowledge organisers will include the essential facts about the topic, usually laid out in easily digestible chunks, key vocabulary or technical terms and their meanings, images such as maps or diagrams and famous quotations, if relevant. What a knowledge organiser includes will depend on the subject. For example, a ‘Second World War’ knowledge organiser and a ‘Rivers’ knowledge organiser would both include maps, but the former would also include a timeline, and the latter would need diagrams etc. Another benefit of knowledge organisers is that they give children and teachers the ‘bigger picture’ of a topic or subject area. Some topics can be complicated, so having the essential knowledge, clear diagrams, explanations and key terms on one document can be really helpful. They also help children with retrieval practice, which in turn helps our children to remember more effectively. If a child misses a lesson, the topic information is made more explicit so that they always have a constant point of reference. For a teacher, the knowledge organiser supports or directs what they’re teaching in each lesson. They can shape their teaching around it to ensure that they cover the key information over a sequence of lessons. At Battyeford, we have agreed that the body of knowledge that children gain at the end of a topic should be deeper and wider than what is outlined on the knowledge organiser. Examples of knowledge organisers can be found below: